3 Tools to Live Your Highest Life
We are all meant to live our highest life and expression here on Earth. We came into this life to experience all that we are capable of....
Is Your Life Out of Balance? What the Equinox is here to show you.
Aloha Beautiful Conscious Creators, How are you doing? How have the energies been for you this month as we head into the Fall Equinox on...
The 3D Reins Are Tightening - Can You Feel It? Learn How To Navigate These Energies.
Polarity is a common occurrence these days for me and I believe many of us. One day I'm as high as a kite hiking through the magnificence...
What Happens When We Meet Our Twin Flame?
What happens when we meet our twin flame? So you meet your twin flame...now what? This is such a unique relationship that has so many...
What Is The Purpose Of A Twin Flame Connection? Have You Met Yours?
What is the purpose of a twin flame connection? Have you met yours? So many of us have chosen this connection to put us on the path of...
Why do relationships end during spiritual awakening?
Why do relationships end during spiritual awakening? Are the relationships in your life falling away - We all know just how important...
Merging Energy Fields With a Twin Flame or Soul Connection - (What You Need To Know)
Learn about why we merge our soul's energy with others as a part of our ascension and how to navigate the intensity of this experience.
5 Signs Your Higher Self Is Talking To You
Learning how to connect with our higher self is the most empowering thing we could do for ourselves. In this video I’m going to talk...
Can We Communicate With Our pets In Heaven? Is Animal Communication possible?
One of the most difficult losses in life is that of our beloved pets. Even though it is a painful experience, knowing that animal...
What Our Pets Teach Us From Heaven
Anyone who has lost a pet knows how difficult the experience is. And, it often times has us wondering if we'll ever see, feel or hear...