​​Beyond Limits!
90 Days to EXCEL BEYOND YOUR LIMITS. An Accelerated Pathway to an Elevated Life and/or Thriving Career
This is a customized program for you to move beyond limitations and into freedom, possibility and conscious creation.
You have dreams for yourself and you’re not willing to settle for mediocrity anymore. You want to feel like your life has purpose and you’re living it!
You’ve tried to create something new for yourself but it’s still not happening. Are you done feeling like your future is predictable because you keep repeating the past?
Does this have you feeling anxious because you’re just not sure where to start or if any kind of improvement is even possible?
Or maybe…you feel like you’re on the right path, you’ve already experienced some success, but just need a little more direction, extra encouragement, guidance and support?

Creating a life that represents your highest potential is what you came into this life to do!

You’ve taken the workshops, worked with other practitioners, read some self help books and you feel good for a couple of days or maybe weeks but then come off that high and fall right back into the same old patterns.
You’re too afraid or embarrassed to let anyone know what’s really going on within you and what your dreams are because you want that outside world to think you’re really put together.
​You feel scattered or lack structure and discipline and before you know it another day has gone by. Days, turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and on and on it goes.
There’s always something else or someone else that gets prioritized over you.
You’re living on autopilot and every day looks like the one before.
You have self-sabotaging thoughts like, “who do you think you are?” “I can’t do that”; “that would never happen…”, “it’s too difficult – forget it”
​I’ve had clients tell me the same things. Some have shared they’re afraid to try because they’re afraid to fail. To add to that, they don’t want to share with their families and friends what their dreams are because…what if they can’t achieve them? I’ve had that conversation many times. Others just flat out feel defeated.
There's a part of you (aka your higher-self) that already knows greater opportunities await you. Yup! You read that right. Your higher-self knows what those opportunities are and that you're destined for more. That is why you are already feeling it within you.
Creating a life that represents your highest potential is what you came into this life to do…because you’re capable and worthy of it. It’s meant for you!
So if you’re destined for more and capable and worthy of it, "How do I make that happen, you might ask?"
You are not alone
Can you feel it?
Watch this video
I created this message for you
As a catalyst for higher living, through my 90 Day Program, Beyond Limits, I’m going to show you EXACTLY how. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to be stuck and the frustration of feeling held back. That doesn’t have to be you anymore.
I went from not having a plan and feeling anxious every morning because I didn’t know where to start to knowing exactly what I needed to do, doing it and seeing the rewards and the doors of opportunity open up for me. This can be you too and I can show you how because I’ve had to obliterate my own limits to get here.
The Universe doesn’t skip a beat. It wouldn’t allow me to have this program if I didn’t do the work myself.
Client Success and Amazing Results
Some clients even choose to extend the program. Will that be you...?

When I first came to Kim, I was drinking too much to numb my pain and smoking. I found Kim on the internet and she does wonders with coaching, hypnosis and healing. Kim has motivated me to welcome change and encouraged me on all levels. Through our work together, drinking and smoking no longer control my life. My family has noticed that I’m more present, caring, cheerful and not complaining. They notice that I’m working out and have more energy and they feel happier around me. I’m clearing out the old and in with the new and it’s an amazing feeling!
Kim’s methods with hypnosis are wonderful. It was a great experience! She got things out of me that were bottled up and cleared out. She has a beautiful voice. Her style is top notch! And, her caring is off the charts. She didn’t cut me off because my time was up. She continued our sessions until I was complete. That was amazing to me! She genuinely cares and I have never experienced that before.
What resonated with me the most is Kim’s ability of knowing and her caring. She is hard working and really wants to see the best outcome for people. She’s helping make this world a better place. I wouldn’t make any improvements to her program. She helped improve my life so much. I am forever grateful. Thank you, Kim.

Kellie Frankenberger
Wife, Mother, Entrepreneur
Rebecca Levitsky
Kim is an amazing person! She is a highly gifted coach!
Dearest Kim
I just wish to express to you my sincerest thank you and gratitude to you for being in my life and sharing your wisdom and holding space for me . My heart is so happy, I’m sending you so much love , light and protection and am so excited to continue to learn from you. Thank you for your gifts.
You are the best! ✨💚

Monica Jones
Model, Actress, Creative Director-Music Videos


I feel fantastic
I have a lot of energy
I love listening to your recordings – it’s been huge for me to reprogram my mind. I feel the difference
My friend asked me “What are you doing?”
It’s blowing me away and I love it
So much insight thanks to the process you guide me through. I want u to know, I truly feel educated in my understanding of so many mysteries that have burdened me.
And now….each session brings me a bit more understanding to the patterns and tribulations that have been playing out. It has been so freeing for me. I can’t even begin to explain how simple it is once I see the patterns.
You are a beautiful gift
Your recording [of our channeled session] is amazing. I’ve been listening to it all the time. During the day something will pop into my head that’s from the recording and it reminds me. I really, really, love it. It’s really powerful. And, every time I listen to it I learn something new.

Over the last 8 years, Kim Thalken has been a beacon and trusted adviser. I have chosen a very challenging course in this lifetime. However, I was intended to seize my challenges to grow spiritually – and the brilliance and light I have experienced as a result continues to unfurl through time. Kimberly has been a precious anchor point along the path.
In the first few years together, Kim, through her wisdom and guidance helped me navigate the fallout from a high conflict divorce, resultant estrangement from my children (who held me accountable), the development of trust in my relationship with my second husband, and through a radical career transition. I recall having a momentary glimpse of awakening during my first hypnosis-guided session—an experience I reference to this day. I also still refer to many insights she shared with me as pivotal to get me through tough times, to help me see around the corner when I otherwise couldn’t. She gifted me with an expanded vision of my higher self, when I was still new to understanding who I really am.
In this last year, I experienced my own cancer diagnosis and 3 months later my adult daughter’s leukemia diagnosis. I leaned into Kim’s compassion and skill to higher insights and meanings, and she provided me incredible support and wisdom. Her transmissions on what my cancer and my daughter’s represented helped me reframe my perspective moving through these difficult events in a positive direction. Some of what she shared was simply jaw dropping!
Kim is a gifted healer who is passionate about her work. I have always felt her to truly care about me and the outcome of our sessions together. I recommend her without reservation!
Elaine Rosen, M.D.
Pediatrician | Associate Professor UCLA

My expectations have been exceeded. Thank you for being a light! The experience in your course is life changing! I’m so lucky to know you. you give us all such a huge gift from your gift.
Desires can be transmuted into gold
Napoleon Hill
You have an appreciation for the power of spiritual
and science based technology.
You have a desire to learn from a fresh new perspective.
You value your personal and spiritual growth.
You are committed to investing in yourself financially, and through time, energy and discipline.
You are ready and enthusiastic about letting go
of all excuses and working towards beautiful life changing results.
You have a desire to make stronger choices and
take actionable steps towards higher outcomes.

Are ready to start creating a new future now with new realities that will propel your life into greater opportunity
Want to be excited about starting your day because your life is filled with greater purpose and meaning
Want to have healthy, balanced, conscious relationships with yourself and those around you
Desire to experience yourself as the true creator of your life, see the results from YOUR creation and never feel disempowered again
Want to increase your self-esteem and show up in the world confidently
Want to take control of your life through daily practices that lead to feeling accomplished, productive and greater levels of joy
Want to learn how to use your internal resources (heart and mind) to work for you for sustainable ongoing results
Would like to feel empowered by connecting to your intuition as a guiding force for a higher life
Are done with all the self-imposed obstacles and ready to dissolve limited thinking to achieve results
I have employed Kimberly Thalken as my intuitive and wellness coach for approximately the last five years. It was during these past years that I experienced the greatest life transformations and personal growth than in any years previously. I am a Clinical Psychologist and have personally witnessed the transformational power of various modalities of talking therapy. However, working with Kimberly puts the healing process on a profound and transformative overdrive...Kimberly has a keen ability to understand things from a higher perspective. She is extremely bright, extraordinarily sensitive, has great integrity, and is consistently understanding and solution-focused in her approach. She never uses fear, judgement, and the installation of worry in her way of providing information. Her approach truly attains that difficult yet transformative balance between a heart-centered approach, and an honest and direct way of providing feedback and insights.
I have in fact referred Kimberly Thalken to numerous friends and family members, and their praise and appreciation for Kimberly strikingly reflects my own. Kimberly Thalken is without a doubt one of the most rare and consummate gems in the wellness management industry.
Dr. Levitz
Clinical Psychologist
Then I Invite You to Join Me...
Beyond Limits is customized for visionaries who are committed to becoming a higher version of themselves in order to live their optimal life. This program is designed to revolutionize how you experience life. It’s a journey that starts with a conscious decision to move beyond mediocrity and embrace the extraordinary – that is you!
In this 10 step program each step is designed to achieve specific results. By signing up you are intentionally choosing growth through opportunity. In this immersive experience, you’ll have an appreciation and respect for yourself that will be reflected in every aspect of your life. Imagine moving into a state of enthusiasm because you feel and know that what you want IS POSSIBLE!
Say YES to yourself and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, confidence, and conscious creation.
Transformation begins at the transaction
Let's do it

Waiting is Not Creating
C’mon…let’s do this together
Phase 1
Unleash Your Brilliance
Harness the magic of your intuition and power of your mind to consciously create your ideal life
Build a new foundation with new habits that support your ideal life
Know your greatness through self-awareness
Integrate Your Higher-Self & Your Magnificence
Activate your highest potential and purify your energy

Engage Your Soul and Purify Your Energy
Phase 2
Dissolve, Resolve, Upgrade
Identify, resolve and dissolve the source of your limiting beliefs
Upgrade your mind with new beliefs that call forth the highest realities
Upgrade your inner child and open new doors of opportunity
Move into states of appreciation for who you are and all you are becoming
Form a deeper understanding of past challenges
Cultivate gratitude for your life experiences instead of being stuck in the past, creating a clear path forward

Upgrade Your Mind
Phase 3
Amplify the Foundation for Success
Feel empowered knowing how to optimize the use of your internal resources for sustainable ongoing results
Radiate confidence and anchor the energy of success
Rise to new heights by living from a higher you.
Step Into Your New Future

Excel Beyond Limits
In working with Kim, life seems to flow in a more positive direction, regardless of the situation. I feel more confident, life feels more balanced, and I am able to stay rooted.
When Kim and I first met, I was struggling to manage the demands of my business and personal life. Overall, I felt scattered, overwhelmed and burned out. After 20 years of business ownership, I found myself at a loss with how to deal with tough situations as I managed a team of 30 employees. In addition, as my responsibilities sky-rocketed, I lost the feeling of overall joy in my life by not taking time for creative or playful pursuits.
By working with Kim, I was able to implement effective business solutions and turn my work environment around successfully. I also gained clarity around challenges in my home life and confidently moved forward with decisions that brought more joy to me and my family.
Kim is receptive, spot on, efficient and effective. She quickly gets to the source of the issue which allowed me to dissolve the root of the situations I faced. I now have a clear path forward and I feel liberated and optimistic about what the future holds.
Since our time together, my outlook on life and my business has changed. Feelings of being overwhelmed have been replaced with confidence and direction. My personal life feels more harmonious because I’m doing things that I enjoy outside of work like teaching yoga on the weekends. I’ve also expanded my work team with great employees. It feels good to have reclaimed my power and bring joy and balance into my life.

Claire Rose
​Wife, Mom, Business Owner
A welcome package with intentional gifts selected to support your transformational journey.
1 Hour kick-off call with me to lay the foundation for your program tailored to meet your personal goals.
​Weekly 1:1 sessions from 1 – 1.5 hours.
Two breaks in between sessions for integration.
Weekly session notes as a recap on learnings and important next steps.
Materials for different exercises/practices that may be suggested.
Customized recordings of hypnosis and positive affirmations to rewire your mind.
Recorded sessions for future reference.
Phone and text support in between sessions.

Intuitive Coaching Sessions
Connecting into higher wisdom guidance to uplift, encourage, inspire and empower by reminding you what you are capable of.
Quantum Energy Healing
Clearing of the energy field. Release suppressed pain and trauma and any limitations held in the body and in cellular memory across all time and space. Imprinting energy field, cells and organs with love and empowerment energy. We will rebalance the energy centers into vibrant light. Very powerful for relieving stress, clearing emotions, reinstating wellbeing, connecting to truth and stepping into the highest version of you.
Work with the powerful subconscious mind to uncover and remove unconscious programming; Reprogram your mind with new information to work with that will support your goals. Create the transformation you want in your life and allow the power of your mind to be the resource it’s meant to be.
Connect to your inner wisdom – intuition
Awaken your power through self-awareness
Know your higher-self and what it feels like to live as this aspect of you
Revitalize your life purpose
Enhance your self-worth
Improve your relationship with yourself and those around you
Clear unwanted patterns to create new realities that are aligned
Overcome self-imposed obstacles by dissolving limited thinking
Install new higher quality thoughts aligned with your goals
Radiate confidence as you move forward on a clear path.
This program is about Empowerment. You will leave with tools, practices, and new habits that will set you up for success after our program. I want YOU TO WIN!

Believe That Your Future is Brighter Than Your Past​​

I’ll Leave You with The Following Thought​​
On so many levels, the TIME IS NOW! The energies on Earth keep rising to support change so that we can live the highest life while we’re here AND, most importantly, to support our dreams.
It takes courage to step into the unknown. But I promise you, you’re going to be learning so much about YOU in the process and when you start achieving beautiful results, you’re going to say “I’m so glad I did this” or… “I wish I did this sooner”. You’re going to have such an appreciation for who you are.
We will step into the unknown together and into opportunity. I’m going to be your biggest cheerleader standing on the sidelines without judgement, reflecting back to you – the TRUTH of who you are, and reminding you how powerful you are (should you forget). I’ll be the encouraging voice that helps you stay the course and will remind you why you’re in the program.
Take a leap of faith and start building faith in YOU. You’ll be so happy you did. You have to take that first step into what is possible. Leave the predictable future behind by making a new choice. And, start creating a new future NOW. We will do it together.
I want you to WIN.

Hey there! I’m a Transformational Coach, Intuitive Channel, Master-Instructor in Energy Healing and a Hypnotherapist.
Putting all of these modalities to practice has helped individuals like you (and me!) thrive from the inside out.
Imagine moving through life feeling incredibly empowered because you’re being guided by your own inner wisdom?
I can’t wait to show you how this is done. Afterall, it’s the knowing (by going within) that keeps us going!
I’m excited to teach you how to reprogram your mind. It really works! What will your life look like with new thinking?
It’s helped me loose weight when I wanted to drop a couple pounds, move forward in elevating my life’s work and so much more. That’s the power of you!
It’s my mission to show others how to step into higher versions of themselves so they can start living their truth, sharing their gifts and talents with the world, actually start enjoying life, once and for all feel empowered, and finally, have something to be excited about…their creation.
In this process, each of us is a part of creating a New Earth where love is the foundation, fear is replaced by joy, feeling stuck is replaced with conscious creation, limitation is replaced with expansion, and separation is replaced with unity.
Your choice to commit to you in this moment will not only change your life but it will inspire others to do the same and on and on it goes. It’s all energy and consciousness. That’s how this works! You will be so happy knowing that improving your life is also your contribution to the world.
I can’t wait to see you in the program